perSWAYde 12/10
This ad by for Apple Music called "Holiday — Sway — Apple" uses the song "Palace" by Sam Smith displays the music program in a new light. When my mom and I first saw this commercial on TV she thought (although she's very partial to Samsung) she really adored the commercial. The ad used contemporary dancing and an elegant song to touch the hearts of people when especially vulnerable during the holidays. I'm personally a big fan of Sam Smith's songs and with his recent album release Apple Music used his present-day presence to their advantage. I also noticed that on the SamSmithVevo he just released the audio track for Palace shortly after the commercial aired. If you love the song you are going to love the product, you love the product you're going to love this song is a win-win for both parties. The two major brands collaborating brought together enthusiasts from all across.
 At first I wasn't sure what the ad was for. I could not tell if it was for which Apple product; Airpods, iPhones, or Apple Music. The commercial displayed the sleek and finesse of all of the products used. Although an ad for Apple Music could have easily been for the other products as well. Apple's innovative ways to sell items makes people just feel happy rather than being advertised to. 


  1. There's something I would like to add since you mentioned Sam Smith released the audio track for palace -after- the commercial aired. I think this is an example of how companies are able to advertise a product while also helping a new song that was just released by a singer become more popular. In my experience, I've come across many times where I wanted to figure out the name of the song that was used in the commercial. Sometimes, I even discover a new singer I really like that I never knew about. My point is, it's supposed to be a two way street for the company and the singer, but I end up not caring about the product the company is trying to sell and all my attention is given to the song they used.


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