Advertising Actually 12/16

Reebok is generally known for athletic wear, as displayed on the actress Nina Dobrev recognized for her acting on teen shows, released "Nina Dobrev Holiday PSA." It alluded to more than just the holidays. Usually companies tend to say holidays as it pertains to all belief systems. In this commercial it mimicked the cue cards scene from Love Actually which is a high recognized Christmas movie. The ad even includes the music of indistinct and revamped Christmas music to appeal to a millennial audience. 
Image result for love actually cue cards

The ad even includes the music of indistinct and revamped Christmas music to appeal to a millennial audience. With the holiday season approaching companies begin the appeal to the concept of love and family considering that it is common themes among the times. This ad relates to the people who have seen Love Actually which provides nostalgia and the demographic of millennials begins to settle down. Dobrev attempts to sell Reebok as the family your're missing. Reebok attempts to fulfill your life far past what they actually can do. 


  1. I found it interesting how in the commercial they promoted more of finding time to exercise than their actual products because most athletic brands would usually focus more on the quality of their products but I could see they are trying something new to get the attention of a different audience. I thought it was pretty funny how they were basically saying its okay to eat lots of food as long as you work out but I understand how that sort of message would appeal to many people. I also believe that this commercial is aimed towards millennials and we can also mention that they specifically chose the celebrity Nina Dobrev because she is popular among the teenagers and younger adults. I've never seen the movie love actually but I thought that was a great observation to bring up!


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