Land Filled with Trash 12/3

Image result for McCartney landfill

Between "The  Guardian" and the "Los Angeles Times" both reporting on how Stella McCartney's Fall 2017 runway show is  going to show how “incredibly wasteful and harmful to the environment” the fashion industry has become. Her clothes are 53% sustainable materials and is vegetarian. Although both relaying the same message the different sources used a plethora of ways to express it. "The Guardian" consisted mainly of statistics and quotes. Throughout the 22 paragraph article it contained 12 quotes then 13 statistics in order to prove their point which was bordering excessive. The two articles were published months apart and yet the later "Los Angeles Times" story was much shorter and still detailed in her mission to save the environment. The ambitious words used in the article makes you feel personally connected to the clothes if you can "stop the global fashion industry." The savior words give the hero feel from using their product. Both of the articles show they are all for McCartney's approach to the runway through their positive connotations to branding ad. 
