Beam me up Gucci 12/3

Image result for gucci ad winter 2017

Gucci is known for its luxury fashion and even impacts younger generations. In the media it's being mistreated and being even made fun of. With this major crossover it bring class into Gucci's name. Even though I didn't grow up watching Star Trek something about it brings about nostalgia. My parents would always take me to Wonder Con in Anaheim and this reminds me of them. The two major companies are combining to pull in all different types of demographics. It takes in Star Trek fans who aren't seen as generally fashion lovers and Gucci fans. It introduces consumers to a whole new galaxy. The Winter 2017 ad campaign gives off sleek and outlandish designs that compliment the set well. The all star ad shows has old effects that the current ads haven't offered. The old is new and refreshing. I'm in awe of its beauty. My first reaction was "wow." The colors match the theme, the clothes look infatuating. I really can't say anything else but "wow." 
